Wed: September 20

Panel Discussion & Green Bond Challenge
Green Finance
Sustainable finance has a crucial and emerging role in the fight against the triple planetary crisis. As an international financial centre, Hong Kong has been advancing its momentum and promoting the development of sustainable finance for businesses in Hong Kong. Respectively, there are growing interest amongst youth from various backgrounds in learning about sustainable finance in general. With that in mind, this workshop is curated to educate participants on the development and role of sustainable finance in Hong Kong.
Time | Activity | Speaker(s) |
Knowledge Partners
Bon Cheung
Bon is now working as a Green Finance Research Analyst in Civic Exchange. He has been leading research related to transition finance and taxonomy development. One of his recent articles about ESG risks is featured in the Knowledge Hub of the Chartered Banker Institute. Bon has also been influencing the market by hosting industry talks for market practitioners. For instance, he has been invited as a guest lecturer in a course offered by HKU-SPACE (Certificate for Module: Leadership in Applied ESG and Sustainability). With these achievements, he was recognised and nominated as one of the representatives of HKUST to compete for the Oxford Green Finance Prize 2023.

Phoebe Liu
Phoebe Liu is Senior Associate at Hong Kong Green Finance Association (HKGFA),
which is a nonprofit organisation to help to position Hong Kong as a leading global
Green Tech and Green Fi centre. Understanding the urgency to promote
environmental awareness and climate actions, Phoebe is motivated to push forward
green and sustainable finance developments in Hong Kong. She has been actively
supporting HKGFA's work in capacity building and awareness building - supported
and organised over 300 events in the past three years, including the HKGFA Annual
Forum and Certificate programs with HKUST and HKFSI. Phoebe received the HKGFA-
HKUST Certificate in Sustainable Finance in 2022. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Urban Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Keith Chan
Dr Keith Chan is an Assistant Professor at HKUST, where he is responsible for teaching three core courses: ESG Reporting and Management, Economics for Environmental Policy and Management, and Green Business Strategy. He is a Co-Principal Investigator of Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) 2021/22 by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the Hong Kong Government, entitled “Developing Hong Kong as a Global Green Finance Centre”. Apart from research and teaching, Keith also helps the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals (HKIQEP) to develop educational materials on corporate sustainability and ESG performance and reporting.